He likes pulling his sweats up to his knees. Running, which he does a lot of, is easier this way. On this day he also liked jumping around on the couch with his baseball hat on - thug life!
Watching tv. He also likes to pull one arm out of his shirt. I often find him this way in the morning when I am getting him out of bed. A couple of days this week we have also found him without any clothes on. Luckily we have not had a repeat of the poop incident of March, 2010.
Dipping his fries in ketchup. Like his Daddy, Alex seems to love ketchup. This week we had a family dinner at In & Out. He ate an entire hamburger and fries by dipping everything in ketchup. He probably would have kept eating all night but luckily we eventually ran out of food.
Watching tv in our bed. Alex thinks it is quite the novelty to climb up into our bed and now he has discovered the tv. He likes handing me the remote to find some cartoons while getting comfy in our bed.
Today I gave Alex some jelly beans as a dessert to his lunch and for some reason he ate each one with a fork.
Watching more tv. Usually when Alex "watches" tv he stops for a few seconds to watch and then runs out of the room to explore somewhere else before he is back to watch a little more. Occasionally something holds his attention for more than a few seconds.