Friday, May 24, 2024


April was a fun, busy month.  The dance craziness continued and spring sports began.  The month flew by!

Alex got his first real job this month.  He became an umpire for the league he plays in.  So far it has gone pretty well and the parents and coaches have mostly been nice.   

At the beginning of the month was conference weekend.  We made sugar cookies to take to our traditional game night.  

These Boo ones were especially amazing. 

We made crepes for breakfast on Sunday morning and then enjoyed listening to conference. It's the best weekend of the year! 

Brandon got a new poster and had to delicately handle it. 

Mia got to go on a field trip this month to "This is the Place Monument." I didn't get to go so my kind neighbor sent me a picture of her.  

Just Alex being weird. 

One Sunday this month we had to make two birthday parties, one in Logan and one in Murray.  We did lots of driving that day! 

Kenzie's birthday party was in Logan.  They were ready for the candy cannon. 

Mia's definitely got her own style.  She always has a vision. 

Mia just being weird. 

Mia had one more day left on her ski pass so we took another day off of school and spent it skiing just the two of us.  It was so much fun and we lucked out with another gorgeous day. 

Mia is getting really good! 

Another weekend meant another dance competition.  This time her solo was up again.  Mia did really well and just barely got second place in her category.  

She also got awards for best showmanship and best costume. 

Another weekend this month we spent dancing in Logan at the Battle of Best competition.  Mia's first dance wasn't until after 5:00 on Saturday evening which meant we had a very late night.  We didn't want to stay the night so we didn't get home until around midnight.  Luckily Brandon could come to this one which always makes it more fun! 

For one of our Young Men and Young Women activities this month we went to the Taylorsville Temple open house.  It was very beautiful! 

Mia had one last solo competition at the end of the month.  Her cute friend Harper was there and was so sweet to wait with her backstage.  

You would think Harper is a few years older than Mia but they are in the same school class and only a few months apart.  

It was a great month!