Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 July was a crazy, fun month.  We packed so much in and now I know why our bank account is smaller.  We had a ton of fun though! 

Caught these two after a late night movie.  

As Boo ages I think I take more and more pictures of her! 

Mia bored at church. 

We got suckered in with the chance of "winning" an Olivia Rodrigo stanley.  Mia was so excited even though I'm pretty sure everyone was "winners." 

Alex sleeping weird. 

At the beginning of the month Mia turned 10! We started off the day by eating crepes. 

Next, Mia got to open up her presents.  

Always making beautiful faces. 

At almost the last minute we decided to get Mia tickets to the Olivia Rodrigo concert at the end of the month.  She was very excited! 

Brandon had to head to work but the rest of us hung out at Classic Skating.  

We ended the day at Mia's favorite restaurant, Hu Hot, and then she tried out some of her presents. 

We had a great 4th of July.  We started out the day with our neighborhood pancake breakfast as usual.  

Later in the day we headed to Grandma's house to celebrate her birthday.  

We finished off the night with fireworks! 

At the beginning of the summer we made a summer bucket list.  One of the things was a tramp park.  We checked it off our list this month.  

Alex really wanted to light some fire works this year.  We aren't allowed to do them in our neighborhood so we headed to a church parking lot to do them.  

Mia and I were mostly nervous the whole time.  Things went great until our car battery died.  Luckily Bayley came to rescue us! 

One Saturday we spent at the Zoo with the Hettinger Family.  Mia decorated our sandwich bags for us.  

We were so excited to see the polar bear out and swimming today! 

Another bucket list item was a water park.  We decided to drive down to Splash Summit in Provo for the day.  The kids loved it! 

One week in July Alex spent at FSY with his buddy Josh. This was the longest he has been away from home so I was a little nervous.  He was nervous about spending a large part of his day in church classes.  He didn't necessarily love the classes but he loved being at FSY.  He is excited to go back next year! 

While I took Alex up to FSY Mia got to go to Camp Tracy for Activity Days.  Luckily there were lots of kind moms who took lots of pictures for me.  She had so much fun! 

One night we broke Alex out of FSY to take him to the AJR concert.  I felt so bad about it but it turned out lots of other kids were doing it too.  This was Mia's first concert.  We all thought it was great! 

Mia is always making bracelets for every occasion.  

The next week Mia and Alex got to spend a few days with their cousins, Mikah, Max and Kenzie in Logan.  They went swimming, fishing and to a trampoline park. They had so much fun and didn't want to come home.  The had to come home though, because the next day we were heading to Arizona to go to the Great Wolf Lodge.  Ever since we went in 2020 they have wanted to go back.  I was worried that Alex is too old for it now but they had so much fun.  We stayed for three nights and it was the perfect amount of time.  

I made them take one picture with the ears on for me.  

They still loved the Magiquest game. 

We tried out VooDoo donuts for the first time one morning.  We thought they were okay. 

Alex doing his best spider-man impression. 

The last night of our trip we went to a Diamondbacks baseball game.  Alex has been asking to go to a Major League Baseball game so were excited to grant his wish.  It ended up being our favorite part of the trip! We had great seats, the stadium is so nice and the Diamondbacks had an amazing come from behind win with a home run in the ninth inning. It was a perfect night! 

We googled what the best food in the stadium was and it said it was the "churro dog."  It was a churro wrapped in a donut with ice cream and chocolate sauce on top.  It sounded better than it really was but it was fun to try.  

Finally, the last day of the month came and it was the day of the Olivia Rodrigo concert.  We were so excited! 

Mia has been busy making lots of bracelets. She even made some for me! 

I really admire how confident Mia is. When she does something she does it all out and isn't worried about what anyone thinks of her. It was so fun to go to this concert with her! 

She sang every word and we danced and partied all night! 

What a great month!