Friday, April 10, 2015

9 Months

     I blinked and our little bug is now now 9 months old.  She continues to be such a joy and we are loving watching her personality develop.  She now weighs 16.98 lbs (18%) and is 26.97 inches (30%).  She is all over the place now.  We block off the stairs and shut a few doors but other than that she roams the house freely.  She likes to explore and find new things to put in her mouth (including dog food).  She has even started to pull herself into a standing position.  On March 31st she cut her first tooth on the bottom of her mouth.  A week and a half later it is still just barely poking through the gums.  It doesn't seem to be bothering her too much.  On top of that she has also been sick this week.  I think all the running around from Easter wore her out.  It also hasn't bothered her too much other than we hear her coughing through the night.  Mia still loves to eat and has been trying a few more table foods.  She seems to like anything she can chew.  She is still clapping and will occasionally wave.  She will also click her tongue when we do it to her.  She still loves Alex and lights up whenever he is near.  We love our Mia Bug! 

A few more random pictures from the last few days...

Alex has been learning chess.  He actually isn't bad.

 "Look Mom, I'm stuck to the wall!"

This week we got a new playground for our backyard.  One of the first things Alex wanted to do was put his Spiderman costume on to try it out.  

We built it and they came.  The playground was like a moth to the flame for the neighborhood kids.  It has been so much fun! 


We had a wonderful Easter this year.  Since this year Easter and General Conference were on the same weekend it made for a very busy few days.  The Easter festivities started off the Saturday before with our ward Easter egg hunt at the park by our house.  We love our neighborhood and it was a lot of fun.  

The next weekend we crammed a game night, a sleepover, brunch, egg decorating, a trip to Cold Stone, several egg hunts and General Conference into two days.  It was pretty crazy!  

Hunting for eggs at Grandma Hettinger's.  

And then time to dye the eggs.

Scott and Jaden trying to control their excitement!

While the men went off to the Priesthood session the girls and kids ate ice cream.

The next morning was Easter morning.  Alex was excited to see there were a few more eggs to find around the house.  He is very good at finding them.  He even found all of our Easter baskets as well. 

Eventually we woke Mia up to see what she got.

After watching conference we headed to Grandma Clements' for a little more Easter fun.  We had another egg hunt and a delicious dinner.  

Alex was very annoyed that we made him stop mid-hunt to take some pictures.

Counting up the eggs.

Mia's famous scrunch face.

Checking out the Easter baskets from Grandma and Grandpa Clements.