Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Summer is finally here and we are so excited! We packed lots into June and had a great time. 

We started off the month celebrating Devyn's birthday!

That same day we also got to celebrate Sadie graduating from High School! 

Brandon was very proud of the pies he made.  

Apparently this is how Mia entertains herself during baseball games. 

It's been a long time but Mia and Alex finally wanted to sleep downstairs again together.  

The very first week of summer vacation Alex went to Young Men's Camp.  They went to the Palisades so it was a lot of fun.  On the way they stopped at the Manti Temple and did baptisms.  

Alex had a great time. He was sad that we had to pick him up a day early for baseball.  

Mia has the cutest Activity Days leaders.  They are always doing fun activities!

Also the first week of summer the girls got to do their annual drama camp.  This year they did it in Sandy and performed Aladdin.  They had a lot of fun as usual! 

One day this month we invited some friends and went swimming.  It was very hot and busy but lots of fun. 

I was shocked at how brave both Mia and Alex were to jump off the platforms.  

We also got to celebrate our favorite Dad this month.  

Normal pictures are hard! 

Just Mia being creepy...

Boo got another haircut this month and looks like a brand new dog! 

We also had an outdoor movie night and watched Jaws.

At the end of the month I got to attend Young Women's camp.  It was so much fun! We went to Cinnamon Creek Campground which is up near Logan.  It is about a two hour drive from our house.  On the first day while setting up my tent I realized I had forgotten my pillow.  I had an extra blanket though that would work.  However, not long after dinner a car pulled up that looked like Brandon's.  Then I realized it was Brandon.  He had noticed that I had forgotten my pillow and drove four hours total to bring it to me that night. It was such a sweet surprise and has now made him legendary in our ward.  Everyone was so impressed with him and I slept great all three nights we were there! 

I serve in the young women's with some amazing women! 

At the very end of the month Alex got to attend yet another camp.  This time it was Stake Young Men's camp but it was only going to be one night. He still had a great time.

The Sunday before the 4th of July my kids were looking very festive so of course I had to document it.  

While I was gone at camp Brandon got to work full time plus take care of the kids.  He also made time to do some fun activities with them including Nickel Mania  We are all so lucky! 

They also got to go to Brandon's work with him one day and sign a beam for their new building that is under construction. 

The last day of the month we celebrated Mia's birthday with our families.  This year she decided on a Barbie theme even though we are all shocked she didn't choose Taylor Swift. After looking at some ideas online she drew a picture of the cake she wanted and then Brandon was able to make it a reality.  It turned out so good.  This was such a fun theme to decorate for.  Also Mia was excited to dress up like Barbie herself.  

It turned out so good! 

Alex even got in on it! 

Part of the cake lit on fire while we were singing to Mia! 

Grandma and Grandpa Clements got her a new scooter so we had to try it out after the party.  I can't believe she is almost ten!