Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Spring Sports

 Alex finished up another season of both Soccer and Baseball.  He improved in every way this year and it is fun to see him grow as an athlete.  

Brandon coached yet again.  This team was so fun to watch.  They won most of their games.  Some of the kids will head to high school soccer now so this was our last year with a lot of these kids.  It has been so fun to see them all grow over the years! 

Alex had an amazing baseball season.  He got to be with the same coach he had last year.  He hit really well all season long.  It has been so fun to see his growth.

This year Alex made the All-Star team which meant an extra week of baseball in the middle of June.  We thought we'd have to deal with extreme heat but the first night of games the weather was freezing!  It was super windy.  We had to sit through two games so we had to have Brandon bring us all our winter gear.  

Alex's friends were so kind and came to several of his games during the week.  At the end of one of the games his friends carried him out to our car.  

This team was a lot of fun to watch.  They ended up taking 2nd place which was so fun! By the end of the week it was very hot again! 

Mia got to watch lots of baseball this week.  She was thrilled! She did get lots of treats though.  

Alex played so well all tournament.  He ended up with a .727 batting average and an .800 on base percentage.  He didn't strike out one time and had the most RBI's on his team.  He batted 2nd in most games.  He played centerfield all tournament and made some amazing plays out in center field.  He hasn't played a ton of outfield before so it was so fun to see.  It's been fun to see years of hard work pay off! 

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