Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 August was an exciting month. We were sad to see the summer end but excited for the new school year. 

While Alex and I were gone one night Mia got to go out to dinner with Brandon.

To get ready for school we did some back to school shopping. Mia is lots of fun to shop with.  She chose McDonalds for lunch. 

My phone is filled with lots of Boo pictures. 

One day this month I told Alex to put some soap "anywhere" in my bathroom.  This is where he put it.  He thinks he is so funny! 

Mia was excited to try the Olivia Rodrigo cookie. 

We had a night of Just Dance. Alex is actually very good at it. 

At the beginning of the month Alex and I attended youth conference.    We had an Olympic theme and played lots of fun games. 

The girls got to stay at our Bishop's family cabin.  The boys came for meals but then stayed at a different cabin.  

The next day we spent at Deer Creek Reservoir.  It was lots of fun! 

We also did lots of challenges at the lake.  One of them was speed walking.  

We spent a day this month at Lagoon. Mia got to try all the big rides for the first time.  

Also this month I had vein ablation on one of my legs.  I will have it on the other leg next month.  I didn't take a before picture but I have lots of varicose veins where the blood doesn't flow the right way.  They made lots of little cuts and pulled out my veins down my leg.  It actually was a pretty easy procedure.  I was sedated so I didn't remember it and wasn't in much pain after.  

With the bandages removed....

Since the Everitt's weren't able to do their usual Cul-de-sac of fire for the 24th of July, they had a make up BBQ this month.  The theme was Gravity Falls and Mia and Alex were excited to dress up for it. 

Brandon and Alex were very excited for this movie.  

Much too quickly, it was time to go back to school. Brandon did very cute back to school nails for Mia. 

You can really feel the excited the first morning back.  Brandon woke up early and made pancakes. 

Alex is starting 9th grade. 

Mia is in 5th grade.  I can't believe how grown up they look. 

This year I will be working at Fox Hollow with Special Ed so it was my first day too. 

Mia wanted to match with me on Spirit Day. 

We also went to a Bee's game this month.  We enjoyed the baseball and Mia had a great time laughing with Elsie and Lilah.  

Mia thought that trying on my classes was hilarious. 

I can never get over her fashion choices. She is quite the little pre-teen.

Mia requested to twin again!

Mia got to have one more swim day with her friends.

Alex got to tag along to the first Utah Football game of the season with Sadie. He thought it was very cool and it was a great game to watch!

At the end of the month we celebrated Brandon's birthday. It was extra special because it was his 40th birthday. Welcome to being old!

This month we had a mutual activity with the young men and young women where we went slip and sliding at the park.

Alex came home with a souvenir and ended up having to get 5 stitches.

The day before Brandon's birthday we headed out on a fun birthday trip for his special birthday. Brandon has known we were going somewhere but he didn't know where until today. He opened up a gift that revealed where we were going. (It was a Yankee's t-shirt because we were going to New York!)

We left Salt Lake Friday morning so by the time we got to our hotel room it was night in New York. We did some sightseeing and found a delicious restaurant with great hamburgers.

I have been planning this trip since the beginning of the year and one of the things I was most excited for Brandon to try was this banana pudding from Magnolia's Bakery. It was pretty good but not as life changing as I had heard.

We stayed in a hotel very close to times square which was nice for convenience but it was very crowded. I think the holiday weekend made it extra busy. Times Square was packed with people!

The next morning it was still very busy. We always had to laugh and the crazy creatures that were there. Some of them were giant!

The next morning we did some more sight seeing. It was fun being so close to so many things we could just walk to.

Later in the morning we headed to Yankee Stadium to catch a Yankee's game. Even though this was a trip for Brandon's birthday I couldn't resist getting tickets when I saw they were in town. We thought we would get there very early but with the crowds it took us a lot longer than we thought. We still got to look around a bit before the game started.

We had great seats and it was a great game. They ended up losing by one point in the ninth inning but at least they gave us an exciting game.

After the game we got to visit a few more places on the way back to our hotel.

The whole reason I wanted to bring Brandon to New York for his birthday was to see the Back to the Future musical on Broadway. The original Doc Brown is still performing. It ended up being such a fun show that had us laughing through the whole thing. It was very silly and even had some very cool effects. It was well worth the trip!

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