Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Under the Bed

 It's hard to believe but two weeks from today our little boy will be two years old.  To prove how old he is Alex has started climbing out of his crib.  I knew this would happen eventually, I was just hoping we could at least make it to two years old.  Brandon and I have had a hard time deciding what to do, whether or not we should move him to a bigger bed.  For now we are sticking with the crib for at least a little while longer.  At night he doesn't have any trouble going to sleep.  If we wait to put him to bed when it is dark he has been going right to sleep as usual.  Nap times have become a little more difficult but he hasn't missed a nap yet.  I am definitely not ready to give those up.  When I put him down for a nap he usually climbs out 2-3 times.  I just wait until I hear him out of his crib and go in and put him back in his crib.  He is pretty sneaky though.  He knows he needs to be quiet or else we will come in.  Yesterday after putting him back in bed for the second time we weren't sure if we heard him out of his crib.  Because he was pretty quiet we just let him be.  About 3 hours later his room was still quiet. It was getting late so Brandon and I decided we better wake him up.  Sure enough he was sound asleep under his crib.  He often likes to play under there so there are a lot of stuffed animals already under there.  He just took his blanket under and went to sleep.  This was to best picture I could get of him before he woke up. 

Another favorite pasttime of Alex's is playing outside.  He can't seem to get enough.  I am sure we are going to spend a lot of summer days outside.  Here he is enjoying some fruit snacks outside.  

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