Wednesday, June 19, 2024


May is our insane month and this year was crazy as ever.  We wrapped up another school year, watched our kids do the things they love and had a lot of fun! 

Mia's style is unmatched.  She always has very clear visions of what she wants to wear to school and loves to accessorize. 

Both Mia and I got to endure an ugly stomach bug at the beginning of the month.  Mia was sick for three days but luckily mine only lasted a day.  

We heard we might see the Northern lights one night this month so we stayed up to check it out.  It wasn't this vibrant to the naked eye but still very cool to see.  

Mia's school had an outdoor movie night one night this month.  She met up with some friends.  I had to run back home to get her snuggie so that she could match them.  They are so funny!

We also got to participate in our Young Men/ Young Women Fundraiser one Saturday this month.  We sold lots of different things to earn money for camp. 

Mia went swimming in her friend Zoey's backyard this month and while there got to hold her chicken! 

For some unknown reason Alex rejected his nice, soft bed one day this month and decided to sleep in his homemade tent on the floor.  

Always joking that he is going to drive us home. 

The first weekend of the month Mia had her last competition/convention of the year.  I decided at the last minute to get a hotel room because we had a very late night followed by a very early call time.  It ended up being such a fun weekend! 

They won lots of awards at this competition! 

We had a few hours to kill in between her competition and the rest of the convention so we had a great day getting lunch and doing some shopping.  It was so fun! 

Looking way too grown up! 

The next day we had Alex's birthday party with our families.  While Mia and I danced and shopped Brandon stayed home and made another amazing cake.  This year Alex wanted a Minecraft theme.  

He is also looking so grown up and breaking my heart! 

Devyn is very friendly and made lots of new friends! 

Boo is always so popular. 

One of the gifts that Alex got was a new gaming chair.  It is pretty fancy.  

On his actual birthday he still had to go to school.  He requested pancakes so Brandon got up extra early to make them. 

We made sure he had time to open his presents before school of course. 

We snuck out of school for a bit to get lunch and then at night we went to Rodizio Grill for dinner. 

Alex really is an easy and fun teen! 

Also, this month on a whim we got tickets for Mia and me to go see Annie.  I was so glad we did.  It was so fun and Mia loved it! 

We celebrated Mother's day this month.  I am so lucky to get to be a mother to such amazing kids.  Brandon and the kids made me feel loved and celebrated! 

We spent time at both Grandparents houses today.  Alex and Mikah were getting a workout trying to spin all the kids. 

This month we got to attend the Taylorsville Temple open house again with some of Brandon's side of the family.  I was excited for Mia to see it since she wasn't old enough to remember any of the other open houses we've been to.  We had a great time. 

Near the end of the month Alex and Mia had their end of year Piano recital.  They have both been working very hard on their pieces and played them beautifully.  Alex's pieces were very challenging.  His fingers had to move so fast! He did amazing and got lots of compliments after the recital. Neither of our kids love playing the piano but they are learning to work hard at it anyway so it is so fun to see the payoffs!

Mia has been begging to dye her hair for a long time.  I told her she had to wait until dance was done for the year especially because she needed dark hair for her Wednesday Addams solo.    

Finally the time came.  This was the before.... 

I didn't take a great after picture but she got lots of balayage highlights and some light pieces in the front.  She loves it! 

At the end of the year the French students put on a French program.  Each grade sang a few songs.  It was great! 

Sadly, it was time for the preschool year to come to an end.  This group has been crazy but so fun and I will really miss them.  Brandon took the day off of work to come help me put on our program.  I really couldn't do it without him.  It went great! 

At the end of the month Mia already had dance tryouts for next season.  She's been very excited and was thrilled to find out about a week later that she made Junior Company.  

Some of our neighbors snagged a few pictures for me of field day.  Mia had so much fun! 

And finally it was the last day of school. Alex skipped the last day and instead went to Lagoon with his friends.  I picked up Mia and was surprised that this year there were no tears.  She loved her teachers, especially her English teacher, Ms. McClenton and will miss her a lot! I can't believe they will be in 5th and 9th grade next year! 


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