Wednesday, June 19, 2024

More Dance

 To end the year Mia got her pictures taken again from Heather.  I love having these pictures in all of her costumes.  We always get so sad when these dances are done for the year so it is fun to remember them with these pictures.  

Contemporary - Not About Angels 

Jazz - Juicy Wiggle.  This was one of our favorite dances she has ever done.  It was so sassy and fun! 

Hip Hop - Spiderman.  This dance was so cool! Mia got to be front and center the whole time and do some tricks including a back handspring.  They also wore these goggles that lit up while they danced.  

Solo - Wednesday Addams.  

It was such a great year for Mia.  We can't wait for next year! 











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